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HML stands for Histoimmunogenetics Markup Language. HML is an XML-based data format designed for the reporting of HLA Testing results, without the strict limitations of previous formats.

HML manuscript
HML Schema and Samples


MIRING stands for Minimum Information for Reporting Next Generation Sequencing Genotyping. It is a checklist of elements that should be included when transmitting NGS Genotyping data.

The purpose of MIRING is to enable downstream platform-independent analysis and re-analysis of genotyping data, and allow comparison between the genotyping results of different platforms, references, or methodologies.

MIRING is intended to be a restriction on the syntax or format of the data, but more as a set of minimum requirements for what should be present. This MIRING validator specifically is intented to be used on an XML document compliant with HML 1.0.1.

MIRING manuscript
MIRING Results Report Schema


Example of a validation line
hml-result severity="fatal"
description[306,138] Value '' with length = '0' is not facet-valid with respect to minLength '5' for type '#AnonType_uriraw-reads'. /description
solution Verify that your HML file is well formed, and conforms to /solution /hml-result

hml-result severity="fatal" This line shows the hml or miring result which is split into two sections. The severity levels allows for the validator to know if it the issue should be allowed or not this can either be fatal, hml, miring, warning, or info. HML,miring, and fatal errors will stop the validation and must be fixed immeditatly. For miring results, you will see a miring-rule-id which specifies which rule is being violated.

[306,138] Represents the row and column number respectfully (Note: If you are missing a matching end tag the system might report the location to be the end of the file. Please just refer to the description if this happens)

Value '' with length = '0' is not facet-valid with respect to minLength '5' for type '#AnonType_uriraw-reads'. is an autogenerated error message based from SAXParser Schema Error codes this will always appear in the description nodes

Verify that your HML file is well formed, and conforms to is a statement made by the developers on a start on how to fix this specific issue and will always be in the solution node

On occasions you will see a location, this will be an XPath leading to the error, I suggest reading this webpage on how to read it

For the purposes of this validator, the MIRING checklist was broken down into several enforceable rules:


Be The Match
Validator code is on GITHUB